
Showing posts from July, 2020

Self-Employment and Business Opportunities in India

🔑 *स्वयंरोजगार / उद्योग संधी* 🔑 *Self Employment / Business Opportunities* 🌟 *Part 1: Introduction* Friends, I will be sharing with you methods of self- employment, business, work from home opportunities etc giving brief idea and guidance. But first, we all need to really understand few concepts. Read the following points very carefully: ✅ Please, note that one will have to learn, try and work with many new methods, not to depend on just a single method. I will be sharing online/offline, with/without investments, work outside/work from home, making/selling etc methods and ways. ✅ As we have entered a *NEW NORMAL*, understand clearly that you will have to learn new things, concepts, ideas, tricks quickly. Google and YouTube are best Gurus, now available 24x7, free of cost. It will not be always possible to pay for courses, so *SELF LEARNING* is needed. ✅ You may share these ideas with your family and also all of you should work together to earn more. ✅ One should not