Self-Employment and Business Opportunities in India

🔑 *स्वयंरोजगार / उद्योग संधी*
🔑 *Self Employment / Business Opportunities*

🌟 *Part 1: Introduction*

Friends, I will be sharing with you methods of self- employment, business, work from home opportunities etc giving brief idea and guidance.

But first, we all need to really understand few concepts. Read the following points very carefully:

✅ Please, note that one will have to learn, try and work with many new methods, not to depend on just a single method. I will be sharing online/offline, with/without investments, work outside/work from home, making/selling etc methods and ways.

✅ As we have entered a *NEW NORMAL*, understand clearly that you will have to learn new things, concepts, ideas, tricks quickly. Google and YouTube are best Gurus, now available 24x7, free of cost. It will not be always possible to pay for courses, so *SELF LEARNING* is needed.

✅ You may share these ideas with your family and also all of you should work together to earn more.

✅ One should not depend on getting a JOB and SALARY etc. Lot of work will always be available around us and one can work and earn money. But, now we will be strictly paid for work and not for time. So, this gives freedom to work with many people, from anywhere and at any time.

✅ Time and Money are inputs to whatever you will do. Remember, you can not save both at the same time. You have to decide when to spend/invest each of them, looking at opportunity.

✅ Identify and nurture your hobby. Find out what you like most or know better or have good skills. During our course, there will be opportunities even to earn from your hobbies.

✅ Apart from your existing skills and experience and whatever new you will learn to do, learning to *communicate better and sell products or services* (your own or somebody else's), is must. Remember there are many who can make/produce, but they all need  others to SELL. Many people are shy or afraid of this, so there is always a huge scope in selling.

✅ Lastly, you will need to collaborate /co-operate,  with many other like minded people, to share ideas, resources, opportunities, knowledge etc, thereby, each one will benefit.

✅ I suggest, you ask doubts and questions on whatsapp chat only, as it will not be able to talk on phone with so many people.

You can even send your ideas, which I will consider.

So, welcome you all to work, prosper and succeed together.

Thank you.

Satish Ranade. Dadar. Mumbai.
Mob. 9820344725


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